Nate Rautio of Huntington Beach caught a 12 pound 9 ounce trout using a white Mijo’s Minnow fishing at “The Road”.  Mike Luna of Wilmington caught a 12 pound 8 ounce trout using a night-crawler fishing from shore in the Big Lake.Nate Rautio of Huntington Beach caught a 12 pound 9 ounce trout  Robert Acosta of Placentia caught a 11 pound 8 ounce trout using his own “secret” bait fishing at Sandy Beach.  Triston Harrison of Rancho Cucamonga landed a 5 pound 8 ounce Lightning Trout fishing by the Boat Dock using B-Line worms.Triston Harrison of Rancho Cucamonga with 4 big lightnings  Rick Kizzie of L.A. fished in the catfish lake landed 6 big catfish totaling 35 pounds , his largest 9 pounds 12 ounces using mackerel from his float tube.
During trout season we will have 24 hour fishing sessions once a month on the weekend closest to the full moon. Check for overnight fishing/camping dates & other upcoming events.